Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Menudo's New Bulletin !

Menudo posted a new bulletin giving us a clue on maybe an important performance coming soon for them. Make sure to also add them again since we know they deleted & re-added their profile ! As supporters of Monti, We encourage you to join www.montitruefans4life.com which is made by one of our friends to support Monti ! Thanks(:

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th Of July !

We hope that you all have a Happy 4th Of July with your friends & family ! Remember to Stay safe and have lots of fun !(:
-Mariana & Lupita

Monday, June 29, 2009

CNN Español

If any of you were watching CNN Español sunday or earlier today, you might have seen Monti and JC ! We all know now that both of them are in the new Menudo and are working hard here in Los Angeles. Monti and JC were asked what their reaction was to Michael Jackson's death. Thanks to Steffy for the picture ! If anyone recorded this or knows someone that did, send us the video so we can post it !
We also know many have been asking if Menudo will only consist of three members. As far as we know, auditions for the two remaining spots will be next month and anyone can go watch them ! We will keep you informed on the latest news !(:

Sunday, June 28, 2009

New Menudo ! (:

We know you have all been waiting for this moment so we are happy to tell you all that the new Menudo has been revealed ! We want you all to watch the video of their performance last wednesday June 24, 2009. Monti was the celebrity judge for the competition and Menudo performs toward the end of the video for the build-a-bear "Let's Talk About Love" contest. Please leave us comments and tell us what you think of the new members !


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Music Video For "My Dreams"

The Children's Miracle Network has posted a music video for the song My Dreams by Monti Montanez. Monti is not in the video but it shows us a day in life in the hospital.

"Music video of a day in a Children's Hospital. Music by Monti Montanez was written specifically for Children's Miracle Network. Monti is 19 years old and the senior member of Menudo."

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sorry For The Lack of Updates!

Sorry we haven't been updating lately! We were busy with school and some other personal things. As you know we have had finals and other school activities. Now we will be able to update more often because it is now summer for us. Thank you for understanding and for all of your support. We have always been supporting Monti. We are excited for the new projects he has been doing! His EP came out earlier than we all thought it would be! Go buy it now on Itunes (:
-Mariana & Lupita.

Friday, April 17, 2009

New Monti Bulletins!

Monti posted two new bulletins about "Just Jared and Cause Creative" and "the link"

"hey guys!!!
Cause Creative just put a new blog!!! oh and Im in it.. haha
hope you guys like the new picture with Just Jared!!!love u guys and please please comment!!!much love, and stock me on
Monti :)"

"the Cause Creaetive link is
new song coming soon for the DIG IT! campaign with FCCLA

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Monti, Chris and Carlos Bulletin!

Monti posted a new bulletin "follow me on twitter!!!"

stock me PLEASE!!!!!

Chris posted a new bulletin "Just wanted to say that..."

"... I love you all! :)

That is all. Hehe.


Carlos also posted a new bulletin asking his fans to teach him how to use twitter :) "ITS YA BOY CARLITO!!!!"

"ok wth is twitter about i was readin how to use it an i was
like huh?????????????? lol yall gotta teach me
love all fan pages still going an MENUDOCRAZY.COM =)"

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Emmanuel's Bulletin :)

Emma posted a new bulletin thanking everyone for the love and support. Please keep supporting Menudo and be patient with them! It's not their fault and they need our support more than ever. Keep checking in for more news on the surprises Menudo has for us! :)

"Hey everybody!!!!!!! hope everyone is well!!!!! just saying hi
to everybody and como siempre saying gracias for all the love
and support and for always beliving!!!! so I hope to see u guys
really soon!!!!!!!
Love ya!!!!


Monday, April 13, 2009

New Bulletin!

Monti Posted a New Bulletin on his Myspace "Twitternation!!"

Follow ME!!!




Monti and Chris Bulletin's!

Monti posted a new bulletin to say Happy Easter and to follow him on twitter. "HAPPY EASTER!!"

"happy Easter everyone. hope your all blessed and that you all
have an amazing day searching for easter eggs, lol
love yall!! follow me on twitter!!


Chris also posted a new bulletin to say Happy Easter. "Happy!!!...."

"...Easter!!! Happy Easter Everyone! I hope you all have fun
and get lots of candy. If you see him, say hello to the Easter
Bunny for me. Hehe! :)
Much Love,

Menudo's New Bulletin

Menudo posted a new bulletin "We're not breaking up!!!". They tell us that the group it not breaking up and that they will soon be in Los Angeles to record new music.

"We love all of the creative rumors floating around the internet but now it's getting out of hand. We are NOT breaking up and in fact, will be in Los Angeles, CA. very shortly to record some new music for you.

Yes, there will be some changes to the band but we can't tell you about that until the offical announcement.​.​.​ Stay tuned!


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Monti's P.O Box Address

Monti posted a new bulletin about his new P.O Box address!

"hey guys!..

ive been getting many messages asking me where you guys can
send things. so i got a new p.o box!!!! yeyyy...

p.s. u guys dont really have to send things.. but i really appreciate it!!!!

much love

here it is!!!

p.o box 57751
sherman oaks, ca 91413

love yalll!!!
spread the word!!!


Monday, April 6, 2009

Monti's New Bulletin

Monti posted a new bulletin about his Twitter. "TWITTER ME!!!"


lets twitter.. stock me!!!"

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Carlos Bulletin!

Carlos posted a new bulletin about Nuestra Belleza Latina! Vote for Monica Pastrana!

"hey the loves of my life!!!!!! well this bulletin is about my friend Monica Pastrana who is on this show on univision nuestra belleza latina, its a reality show model pageant, she has made it to the top 12 an has worked hard to get there, sooooooo plz vote for her 2night, and show her some love!!!!!its airs tonight @ 7pm central time, love yall and miss ya... things are in the works =) muah!

ya boyfriend

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Carlos Bulletin!

Carlos posted a new bulletin! "Its ya boy carlito"

"miss yu alll more then more than food!!!!!! lol new and big things comin just
holdin there for me k? muah!"

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Monti Bulletin!

Monti posted a new bulletin about his photoshoot yesterday and what he has been working on.

the photoshoot was a blast!!!, a couple of awesome fans also passed by to say hi!. I was so happy to see them.!!

I also made a video for the new song I wrote and recorded for the "Dig It!" with FCCLA and the Children's Miracle Network. This campaign will be in your schools starting next year!! the song will be a fund raiser to FCCLA!!!!...

great things are coming guys!! lets help the world, and make a difference! :)

love yall.. hope u like the pictures :)

Monti :)"

Chris Interview

I know that a lot of our viewers not only love Monti but the other guys too. So i decided to give the Chris fans a little surprise! If you would like us to interview another member, let us know who and we'll gadly do it! Keep sending in your questions! Here's our interview with Chris. And special thanks to Chris for answering our questions! :)

1. Whats your favorite hobby? singing

2. What is something you always have to have besides your cell? my underwear. haha!

3.Whats your favorite candy? hmm, not sure. i like chocolate a lot. :)

4.If you had a super power, what would it be? being able to control space and time... Hiro Nakamura's (Heroes) power. lol.

5. Do you sing in the shower? mhm. :)

6. Whats your favorite holiday to celebrate? Christmas! :)

7. Do you spend more time on the computer or texting? hmmm, they're equal. lol.

8.Your idea of a perfect date is... with a girl. haha! idk, anything would be fun as long as it would be with that one special girl. :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Monti's New Bulletin

Monti posted a new bulletin about a photoshoot in Los Angeles! "Photoshoot time.. again!!"

"hey guys! so today I have another photoshoot with a fellow Simon Curtis from "Spectacular" at the LA Children's Hospital at 2 .. im super exited!! cant wait to show u guys how the pictures turn out!

love yall!

and hope to see u soon!


Monti Bulletin!

Monti posted a new bulletin. "READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


please VISIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Remember to vote on our new poll! In our last poll Monti, Emma and Carlos tied with Chris coming in second and Jose came in last. Thanks to everyone who voted!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just Jared Jr. Cupcakes:)

There is an article on Just Jared Jr talking about Simon Curtis enjoying some cupcakes made by Monti. Check it out here: http://justjaredjr.buzznet.com/2009/03/31/simon-curtis-cupcake-cute/

"Simon Curtis chows down on a red velvet cupcake with good friend Monti Montanez from boy band Menudo. The 23-year-old actor writes on his Twitter, “The most amazing red velvet cupcakes ever, made by one of my buddies in town whom I think you all will know. Guess! It’s Monti from Menudo! He’s in town and made cupcakes for everybody. Invite this kid over for dessert I tell you!”

New Bulletins from Chris!

Chris posted two new bulletins today. "One day..."

"... I was walking down the park. And guess what I saw... That's correct. It was indeed a squirrely. I was a little bored last night, so I decided to make a simple illustrated version of my squirrely story. I hope you enjoy...

Hehe. :)
I hope everyone is doing well. Just thought I'd let y'all know that I was still alive. Haha! :D



He also posted "For the record.."
"No, I actually didn't draw that squirrel. But thanks anyway. Haha!
Much Love,Chrisssssssssss​sss"

Monday, March 30, 2009

Nuestra Belleza Latina

Keyla Bordonada, Jose's sister, wants you to vote for MONICA PASTRANA, from Puerto Rico for the next Nuestra Belleza Latina! Just call 1-866-918-8810 for free! Vote as many times as you can :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

New Bulletin - Monti

"hey guys!

Today im having a photoshoot with "Just Jared" and Simon Curtis today for the "Dig It" campaign for FCCLA and Children's Miracle Network!.Cant Wait!

please visit www.causecreative.net for more info.. more information will come shortly :)

love yall

Monti Montanez"

Friday, March 27, 2009

Monti Bulletin!

Monti posted a new bulletin about his new twitter! "New Twitter!!!!!!"

"hey everyone!!! thanks for all video comments and messages!
more will come soon!!

new twitter! add me!http://twitter.com/montimontanez"

Popstar! Magazine's Contest

PopStar! magazine has posted a new blog about Menudo and Johnny Wright. They also have a contest to win a signed Menudo poster!

"Johnny Wright has created a new supergroup boyband—one he is revealing exclusively here on PopstarOnline.com on Monday!

On a related note (since Johnny Wright manages Menudo), do you wanna win a rare Menudo signed poster...?

As long as you're 13 years old or older and a registered member of PopstarOnline.com, just comment this blog with the answer to this question:
And tomorrow morning, we'll pick 2 of you to win signed posters!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Monti's new video!!

Monti posted a new bulletin with his new video. "NEW VIDEO!!!"


Monti :)

love yall"

Popstar! Magazine

PopStar! has posted some news about Menudo in their blog! check it out here:

"In separate but related news, Popstar! is sad to confirm that Varsity Fanclub have been dropped from their label. This has been confirmed to Popstar! by their rep at Capitol Records. Also, the futures of Menudo and NLT will come into focus next week..."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Monti!!

Another year has gone by and we've madee us so proud of you. Monti Montanez, we hope you have the most amazing birthday today! You deserve to have fun and go out and have all your wishes come true. We admire you so much and we look up to you as a role model. Keep up the good work and we cant wait to see what you have in store for us this year! and remember to eat lots and lots of cake :) We love you and we will never stop supporting you!

Love Always,
Official Monti Fans Team
Mariana & Lupita

*Special thanks to Jessy for making the graphic for us! :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New Bulletin from Monti!

Monti posted a new bulletin last night. "Cause Creative!!!!" This website focuses on positive things celebrities do, instead of gossip. The post made by this site was inspired by Monti Montanez!! Congrats, Monti!!

"hey everyone! Check this out por favor!!! :)


i love yall!"

Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Bulletin from Monti

Monti posted a new buletin explaining what has been going on with Menudo. Please keep supporting Menudo! "Update!"

" hey everyone.

First I would like to apologize, that i havent made the video

Second, i want to let you guy know that I love each and
every one of you dearly, and thank all of you for each and
every comment and message you have left, I know I can
always count on you guys :)

THIRD!. I know you guys are upset, and I am very sorry. but the things that are happening right now are NOT the members fault AT ALL!!! Menudo is still standing and Menudo will still be! Yes two members did leave, but new members will be coming. Menudo's history has been this way forever! Members change. But the group itself its not breaking up.

Fourth! Johnny Wright IS making a new group. And that group is NOT Menudo. Its a new group he is forming and maybe/maybe not using former members of Menudo.

BUT there WILL be a Menudo. Whether one or two go solo or not, or even JOIN ANOTHER GROUP, there will still be a Menudo.

Again I want to thank each and every one of you for all the support you have given me and I know you guys will be here for me forever!.thanks again

Im sure I will see each of you soon on tour!


Saturday, March 21, 2009

New Bulletins from Emmanuel!

Emma posted two new bulletins today! "its emma!!!"

"hey everybody!!!!! whats up!!!!! I know things are kinda wierd
even Im confused !!!!! LOL but what I know!!!! is that I miss
all of u guys so much!!!!!! really!!!! and I hope to see u guys
really soon!!!! Love you guys a lot and u all are the best fans
ever!!!!!!!Love ya!!!Emma!!"

He also posted "hello!"

"hey everybody thanks for all the love and support!!! really u
guys are the best!!!!
con mucho amor y cariño!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Bulletin- Monti

New Pic from Photoshoot and UPDATE!!!!

"hey everyone, I am currently in LA and had a photoshoot with cocoli, I will post pictures throught the weeks. I posted the very first one from the shoot that I had yesterday. Hope you guys like it!!!.


i will be making a video very soon for all you guys to explain the updates and explain whats going on with the rumons an...

i miss all you guys soooo much and will see u guys soon!!

love, amor, paz, and peace


Monday, March 2, 2009

New Article - Hinsdale Central girl gets dream date with star

There is a new article up on TheDoingsHinsdale, "Hinsdale Central girl gets dream date with star". The star in this news article is Carlos Olivero, and the lucky girl is Staley Sharples! Credit: menudo crazy

February 26, 2009By ROB SIEBERT
"Most teenage girls can only fantasize of having a pop star accompany them to a school dance. On Saturday, that fantasy became a reality for 15-year-old Staley Sharples of Hinsdale. Sharples was accompanied to Hinsdale Central High School's annual turnabout dance by Carlos Olivero, a member of the all-Latino boy band Menudo.Originally from the North Side of Chicago, the 19-year-old Olivero rose to stardom in 2007 on the MTV reality show "Making Menudo." He was one of five young Latinos chosen to be in the newest incarnation of the band, whose past members include singing star Ricky Martin.Having missed his prom due to TV commitments, Olivero saw the night as a chance to make up for a lost opportunity."I figured this could be the prom I missed out on," Olivero said.Following their run on TV, Sharples became a dedicated Menudo fan. She went to several of the group's concerts, and in one instance even received an e-mail from Olivero.Sharples grew to appreciate the band because of its likability, as well as its music."Not many people are open to the idea that there can be boy bands out there that are cool, and just the guys you can meet at any high school," Sharples said.But in the days leading up to Hinsdale Central's spring Turnabout dance, Sharples took a chance she was almost certain would not pay off.Knowing Olivero was from Chicago, she sent an e-mail to his mother Hilda (who is also his agent) asking about the possibility of him attending the dance with her, in an attempt to branch out and meet some of his fans in person.To her complete and utter shock, Olivero accepted her invitation."I got up and I was screaming," Sharples said of the moment she learned he'd be coming.Though she had never been to a formal dance before, Sharples got the full treatment Saturday. Clad in a black dress and corsage, she and Olivero rode to the dance in a limousine.Once there, it was evident Sharples wasn't the only Menudo fan at Hinsdale Central. Olivero said that as they made their way inside, they were surrounded by screaming girls.Still, he kept his priorities straight."Staley was my date," Olivero said. "So I made sure all my focus was on her."Though Sharples is for the most part a shy, reserved girl, Olivero said as the night progressed he gradually saw that shyness melt away, which allowed her to truly shine."Staley was the superstar that night," Olivero said. "She was looking beautiful."That night Sharples shared her first slow dance with Olivero. The song, "Crush" by David Archuleta, will forever have a new meaning for her, she said.Though Olivero had to leave the dance early due to another commitment, he left one fan with a memory that will last a lifetime, and an important lesson learned."You never know unless you try," Sharples said."

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Vote for "Perdido Sin Ti" & Rumors

Carlos Santos has a new show on MTV Tres called "Entertainment as a Second Language". There is a voting section where you can vote for your favorite music video. Be sure to vote for "Perdido Sin Ti" by Menudo!

Another thing posted by Menudo Crazy is to please stop spreading negative rumors if they
are not true! and do not believe what anybody else tells you! Remember Menudo is working on a tour soon :) Keep checking back for updates! Thank you!

If you have any poll ideas, make sure to comment this blog and let us know!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Vote for "Lost" & Mcrazy Contest!

Hey Everyone! its been a long time since I've updated this blog because i've been busy with school. But i promise i will update it as much as i can! Thanks for supporting us!

Be sure to vote for "Lost" by Menudo for Popstar Magzine's Song of The Year.

"As we finalize our ballots for The 8th Annual Popstar! Poptastic Awards, we need to ask you to comment below...WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR FAVORITE SONG OF THE PAST YEAR?Remember that we use replies to actually form the ballot, so don't be shocked if your comments lead to your favorite artists getting nominations!
Have a GREAT Saturday!
xoxo Popstar!"

So many of you might know that Menudo Crazy has completed their one year anniversary!
Make sure to enter their contest to win a menudo crazy bracelet! For more details visit www.menudocrazy.com

Saturday, February 7, 2009

2 New Monti Bulletins


hey guys, so sorry I was kinda off the scene today. I went shopping ALL day with my mom, sister, and two little brothers.. I hope all of you had a great Saturday, and im sure relaxing as u guys are off school,, woo hoo!! n/e ways thanks for all the messages and comments, i read through some of them and through all the comments, i love all of you!!!! mucho love love , Monti

"BIG Favor Por Favor!!!"
hey guys, sorry to bother AGAIN! Please Please PLEASE vote at Popstar for the "10 hottest boys for their Popstastic Awards" and "favorite Male singer.comment comment comment!!!! I know I can count on YOU!
here are the links:
hottest male: http://popstaronline. com/blog/entry/which_guy_is_hottest/favorite male singer: http://www. popstaronline. com/blog/entry/?EntryID=381#SB_Comments
thank u guys a million!.new vid coming soon!
love , monti

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Monti Bulletin

Monti posted a new bulletin "Cooking!!!!!!!!!".

"hey guys!!! Im here cooking with my sister, shes an amazing cook, and she's teaching me lots of recipes she made.Let me know if theres anything you guys make that we should try!

thanks alot!!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Valentines Day Project

Hello! Well Mariana told me about a Valentine's Day Project she wanted to do for Monti! So it would really help if all of you could participate! All you have to do is make a graphic for Monti. You can send it to either of us! The deadline is on January 31st. So make your graphics and send them to us as soon as possible! we will be waiting! =) Also send us any questions you have for Monti! we will be asking him a few more questions for a part 2 of our interview! Send us anything you'd like to know about him or the group! We will gladly send them to him! =)
-Mariana & Lupita

Monday, January 19, 2009

New Bulletin

Monti left a bulletin letting everyone know that he has a facebook!

"hey everyone!! i have a new facebook, yall can add me por favor!!!

http://www. facebook. com/pages/Monti-Montanez/45419782571?ref=ts

miss u guys tons and we will see u guys soon!!!

love always


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Monti Posted a New Bulletin

Monti posted a new bulletin on myspace! go check it out!

"hello everyone!,
I just want to thank you guys for all the support!... Lost is picking back up and is #1 on the Yahoo Top 100 Music Chart in the Latin category.Can't wait to see all of you soon! much love always!! Monti"

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Interview with Monti

Just recently we had an interview with Monti! We asked him random questions and we're also planning to have a part 2. If you want us to ask him one of your questions please send it to us! Thanks and enjoy!

1.How tall are you? 5'7
2. Do you believe in love at first sight? YES!!!
3. Whats the most played song on your ipod? um... probably Justin Timberlake,
4. Use one word to describe yourself. Thrive
5. What is the loudest state you've performed in? LA
6. What makes you nervous about a girl? whats shes thinking of me inside her head. Lol
7.Who has inspired you the most? My mom
8. If you want to get a girl's attention, what do you do? I make her laugh ;)
9. Which is your favorite song to perform? um... midnight and forbidden love
10. How do you let a girl know you love her? getting her something, and telling her
11. Advice you have for your fans in following their dreams? do something about your dreams, and never give up, try your best!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Monti Picture & Bulletin

Monti posted a new picture to his "My Photos" album and its also his default. Go comment it!

Monti also posted a new bulletin "Hey guys!!"
"hey everyone!. i hope everyones doing well!. I just want to thank all of you who have supported us from day one and for the new fans, thank you sooo much. We wouldn't be anywhere near where we are now if we didn't have you guys! I know its been very quiet and we haven't been on the road, things are beings planned!! :).

I added new top friends to my profile and I also added a new picture,, please comment!!!

and thank u guys again!!.

I know you guys will always have our back no matter what!!

love always and siempre


Sunday, January 11, 2009

MTV Tr3s Top Ringtones & Valentine's Day Project

"Lost" is on MTV Tr3s's Top Ringtones list! Make sure to vote the music video for "Lost" as one of the Classic 25 Videos!

Right now we are working on a Valentine's Day project for Monti! If you want to participate, all you have to do is make your own valentine for Monti and make sure your name is somewhere on there or else Monti wont know who's it is! Send it to us at montifansteam@yahoo.com deadline is Jan. 31! Thanks!

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Jose Picture & New Saynow Lines

Jose posted a new picture to his "My Photos" album. Make sure to check it out.

Menudo also has new saynow lines in Mexico, Puerto Rico and Peru!! So if you live in these countries or know someone that lives there, make sure to let them know! Here are the numbers:

Mexico: 0155 1163 8878

Puerto Rico: 7873957150

Peru: 01 708 5388

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Monti Bulletin & Vote

Monti posted a new bulletin "A little Correction!!" telling everyone that the birth date on his profile is not correct. His actual birthday is March 25th!

"hey everyone!!. so ive been getting tons of comments and messages from many of you wishing me a happy birthday. My birthday is on March 25th, but I still thank you guys for the early Birthday wishes. Im trying to change the date in my profile. Love you guys tons and cant wait to see u guys!.
'09 is OUR year, the year of Menudo!!!

Love and Happy New Year


Vote for Menudo to host Premios Juventud by visiting the Univision forums. In order to vote you have to create an account. Link is http://foro.univision.com/univision/board/message?board.id=premiosjuventud&message.id=449246

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Bulletin

Chris Posted a New Bulletin on Myspace
"It's freezing yo. So, I'm lying down in my bed, under a bunch of blankies. Eastsiders know what I mean. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! It's officially 2009 here in the US. I hope you all had fun. I also hope you didn't party too hardy. Unfortunately, I missed the ball drop. My year isn't starting off too well. It's not what I expected it to be, but hey, what can we do? Hopefully things will start too pick up. Maybe when I wake up in the morning I'll be able to look at the snow outside and smile. Snow makes me smile. It makes me sad when it melts. Lol. But yep. Today it snowed in NY. 2009 is our year.So let's make some magic happen people! :D[world]peace!Much Love,Chrisssssssssssssssssssss

blog template by suckmylolly.com : background image by Patrick Hennessey