Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Vote for "Lost" & Mcrazy Contest!

Hey Everyone! its been a long time since I've updated this blog because i've been busy with school. But i promise i will update it as much as i can! Thanks for supporting us!

Be sure to vote for "Lost" by Menudo for Popstar Magzine's Song of The Year.

"As we finalize our ballots for The 8th Annual Popstar! Poptastic Awards, we need to ask you to comment below...WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR FAVORITE SONG OF THE PAST YEAR?Remember that we use replies to actually form the ballot, so don't be shocked if your comments lead to your favorite artists getting nominations!
Have a GREAT Saturday!
xoxo Popstar!"

So many of you might know that Menudo Crazy has completed their one year anniversary!
Make sure to enter their contest to win a menudo crazy bracelet! For more details visit


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