Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Bulletin from Monti

Monti posted a new buletin explaining what has been going on with Menudo. Please keep supporting Menudo! "Update!"

" hey everyone.

First I would like to apologize, that i havent made the video

Second, i want to let you guy know that I love each and
every one of you dearly, and thank all of you for each and
every comment and message you have left, I know I can
always count on you guys :)

THIRD!. I know you guys are upset, and I am very sorry. but the things that are happening right now are NOT the members fault AT ALL!!! Menudo is still standing and Menudo will still be! Yes two members did leave, but new members will be coming. Menudo's history has been this way forever! Members change. But the group itself its not breaking up.

Fourth! Johnny Wright IS making a new group. And that group is NOT Menudo. Its a new group he is forming and maybe/maybe not using former members of Menudo.

BUT there WILL be a Menudo. Whether one or two go solo or not, or even JOIN ANOTHER GROUP, there will still be a Menudo.

Again I want to thank each and every one of you for all the support you have given me and I know you guys will be here for me forever!.thanks again

Im sure I will see each of you soon on tour!



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