Thursday, January 15, 2009

Interview with Monti

Just recently we had an interview with Monti! We asked him random questions and we're also planning to have a part 2. If you want us to ask him one of your questions please send it to us! Thanks and enjoy!

1.How tall are you? 5'7
2. Do you believe in love at first sight? YES!!!
3. Whats the most played song on your ipod? um... probably Justin Timberlake,
4. Use one word to describe yourself. Thrive
5. What is the loudest state you've performed in? LA
6. What makes you nervous about a girl? whats shes thinking of me inside her head. Lol
7.Who has inspired you the most? My mom
8. If you want to get a girl's attention, what do you do? I make her laugh ;)
9. Which is your favorite song to perform? um... midnight and forbidden love
10. How do you let a girl know you love her? getting her something, and telling her
11. Advice you have for your fans in following their dreams? do something about your dreams, and never give up, try your best!


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