Thursday, April 2, 2009

Chris Interview

I know that a lot of our viewers not only love Monti but the other guys too. So i decided to give the Chris fans a little surprise! If you would like us to interview another member, let us know who and we'll gadly do it! Keep sending in your questions! Here's our interview with Chris. And special thanks to Chris for answering our questions! :)

1. Whats your favorite hobby? singing

2. What is something you always have to have besides your cell? my underwear. haha!

3.Whats your favorite candy? hmm, not sure. i like chocolate a lot. :)

4.If you had a super power, what would it be? being able to control space and time... Hiro Nakamura's (Heroes) power. lol.

5. Do you sing in the shower? mhm. :)

6. Whats your favorite holiday to celebrate? Christmas! :)

7. Do you spend more time on the computer or texting? hmmm, they're equal. lol.

8.Your idea of a perfect date is... with a girl. haha! idk, anything would be fun as long as it would be with that one special girl. :)


Marilyn said...

super cool!!! he's so cute =).. can you interview carlos and emma???.. thanks =)

Nancy said...

hey can u interview jose 2 but anyways i luv chris im just a big fan of him i luv him wish i could interview him lolz

Mariana said...

Sure we'll interview them too. If you have a specific question you want us to ask just send them in to us!

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