Friday, September 19, 2008

S4S??? PLEASE!!!

Heyy guys. This is Dezi!!! Both me, and Mariana have decided that we want our site to become bigger, and we were clueless finding a way...but thanks to our good friend Priscilla from Chicago, she gave us a good idea on how to get the word out there, and maybe even have Monti see our site. Priscilla's idea was to have as many fans as possible e-mail Monti on his MySpace telling him about the site, you can also post bulleteins about our site using the support codes that I will soon post!!! Please e-mail Mariana, or I at our fancorps accounts. Click for Mariana's account, or click for my account!!! Let us know if you are interested and we will support ur site!! Thank you very much.And remember...Monti IS Love!!!


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