Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hi Everyone!!

Hey! My name is Mariana and I live in Los Angeles, California. My friends call me Mari but my bestest friend Bertha Alicia calls me M&M. I am a HUGE Monti fan!! (…and I’m a huge Menudo fan too!) I looove Monti! He is my everything and i love him and support him since before he was in Menudo! I adore him! Monti seems to think that too so he named me his #1 fan! And that’s why I decided to make this fan site for him. I am very friendly so if you have any questions, comments or just anything you want to tell me, don’t be afraid to send me a message!

Earlier today Monti posted a bullentin telling us that sadly there will be no shows in L.A or San Diego this weekend.

"Hey guys. I hope all you are doing good. I miss seeing you guys and I can't wait till we go and pay your city a visit again. Unfortunately, there will be no shows in LA and San Diego this weekend. I know there's been many rumors, but I just wanted to clarify. Again, thank u guys soo much for all the saynow messages and all the myspace messages. I love all of you and thanks again cause if it wasn't for you guys we wouldn't be here right now.Hugs and besos:) (and don't forget to follow your dreams and never neva nah nah give up)Monti"


Anonymous said...

aww that sux! they need to go 2 cali soon! hopefully later this month

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