Monday, September 29, 2008

New Monti Bulletin

Our amazing and talented Monti posted a new bulletin "Hey its Monti.. Menudo FANS!!!! READ!!!" talking about their show yesterday.

" Hey guys!!So its been a while since I last wrote you guys a bulletin. This are good over here, we are back from vacation and ready to get back on the road, so stay steady cause there's a new tour coming SOON! We had a BLAST yesterday at "Race for the Kids" event with Nickelodeon's Slime Across America, "Big Brothers, Big Sisters" and "The Alliance for a Healthier Generation". We want to humbly thank them for giving us the opportunity of being part of a great cause, and also we want to thank all of you for being there to support. It was great seeing you guys, its been a while, and I was happy to see all your smiles.
There's also a new contest!!!!

The Back to School with Menudo Contest is now coming the week of Sept 29th – October 3rd so make sure all of you visit Menudo. com!!! Contest rules will be added SOON to our myspace page myspace. com/menudo
Sugarloot Contest!!!!You guys could win a Philips Home Theater System, free DVD rentals for a year, autographed CDs and more! All you have to do is submit a photo in Menudo's Best Entourage Contest on SugarLoot.
The last day to submit your entry is October 20th.So visit Sugarloot. com/menudo!!

Thank you guys soooo much for taking the time to read this, and there's a lot more exiting things coming soon!
Thank you guys for voting for our video of "Lost" and "Perdido Sin Ti' on MTV TR3S!!!.Please keep voting, lets get back to number 1 !!!! Visit MTVtr3s. com to vote, watch our video s many times a possible, and vote for the MiTRL countdown!!! Also, thank u guys for requesting "Lost" on your local radio stations!! Last week I heard the remix tons of times in Puerto Rico, and I freaked!!!

We miss u guys tons and can't wait to see you guys soon!!

Much amor always :]
Monti Montanez :>(Menudo) "


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