Wednesday, September 10, 2008

If you ever wanted to ask menudo a question or your favorite Menudo member, just go to Be sure to ask yes or no questions!
Sucker Free Latino Viva Chicago will be airing today at 4:00 PM EST and will be airing again at 9:00 PM EST. Our adorable Chris also left a bulletin today! "Hello yellow fellow.."

" That is, the yellow fellow on the poster above my bed (Homer Simpson!) Haha! I know you all appreciate my randomness. Btw, I just recently bought an Iron Man Poster so I'm gonna put that one up soon. :D Sooo, I was just checking in on everybody, Making sure you're all doing well. So its like "in the middle of the night, in the middle of the night, in the middle of the night" down here in NY. And I'm just chilling here. A little bored, but its all good. I always find something fun to do... like eating astronaut ice cream! mmm. :) Lol. Well, I also wanted to thank all of you for all the love and support. You guys are really amazing. And us guys couldn't appreciate it more. Ya'll have helped so much in getting us where we are today, and although we are happy, we're still not at the level that we want to be. So what we're gonna do is keep working hard as always, keep rehearsing, and hopefully throw in some new numbers for the line-up. But what we need ya'll to do is to please keep requesting "Lost" to your local radio stations. Seriously, I even request the song at my local radio station just cuz I love hearing it on the air! :D So please please please keep requesting. You guys are working so hard and we appreciate it so much.Once again, thanx to all of you, and we love you!!! :)))
Much Love,Chrissssssssssssssss
P.S. ....Rawr.... Haha! Just for kicks.:D :P"


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