Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Monti Bulletin, Premios Juventud & Kiis Fm's Top 102 Songs

Monti posted a new bulletin "Vote For Menudo's Video for MTVTr3s".

"Hey everyone!!. First off I want to wish all of you a Happy New Year! 2009 will bring so many good things and blessing for Menudo!!!.. And I cant wait to start the year full of surprises for all of you.
Thanks for all of your who supported us in the 2008! We got TONS done and stayed super busy, and the '09 year will be even BETTER!!!!

Please vote for Menudos Music Video "Lost" on MTVTr3s and MiTRL for the top 25 best Classic MTVTr3s Music Videos.LETS MAKE IT #1 !!!!!! VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! Here's the Link !!

Vote Here for Menudo!!!
Click Here!"

If you missed Menudo on Premios Juventud or just want to watch it again, Univision willbe playing it again at 7pm tonight!

The song "Lost" by Menudo got #79 on Kiis Fm's Top 102 songs of the year. Thanks to everyone who voted. Congrats Menudo!

On behalf of the Official Monti Fans Team we wish you all a great New Year!! I know 2009 will bring us more Menudo! =)


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