Sunday, November 2, 2008

Monti, Fanvasion & Chris Bulletin!

Our boy Monti posted a new bulletin "FAN VIDEO!!..RAP". VJ nice job with the rapping! i loved it! Here is the link to watch the video:

"watch this everyone!!!.. cool rap made by a cool fan!!!
[Monti Rap]"

Fanvasion also posted a new bulletin on Menudo answering fan questions.

"Hey Everyone!

We hope you all had a delightfully frightful Halloween! As a little late TREAT for all of you, we've just posted a new MENUDO interview!!

Check out Monti, Chris, Carlos, Jose, and Emma's answers to YOUR questions! The guys talk about pushing the album release date back, their favorite sports, celebrity crushes, the pranksters of the group, their fears, and Halloween costume memories! It would've been up yesterday, but you can blame YouTube and their technical difficulties! :P

MENUDO talks about their past Halloween costumes... WE want you know what YOU went as on Friday night! Leave us some feedback in the YouTube comments.

As for the "Crazy 4 MENUDO" contest -- we'll be posting the winners soon. :o)

[Menudo Answers Your Questions Video Part 1]
[Menudo Answers Your Questions Video Part 2]

Visit our Fanvasion YouTube Channel ( for more Menudo as well as more of your other favorites!

Courtney & Chanelle"

Chris posted a new bulletin.

"...When people pronounce "Reese's" like this: [Ree-Sees].
The proper pronounciation is: [Ree-sis] I know this because I'm assuming that the creator of Reese's was either named Reese or their last name was Reese. America, the brand Reese's has an apostrophe in it ( ' ). Meaning that it belongs to Reese. Ex. If I created the chocolatey, peanutbutter treat, it would be called either Chris's or Moy's.
Please take this into consideration next time you use the word "Reese's" [Ree-sis].


Much Love,


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