Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to you! & Menudo Bulletin

On behalf of the Official Monti Fans Team, I want to wish you all and Menudo a Happy Thanksgiving! I love you all! Thanks for the support =)

Menudo left a bulletin today.

"We just want to wish you all a very healthy and happy Thanksgiving
and to let you know that we're all together at Chris's house getting ready to feast!!

Love to all,


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving from Menudo! posted a special message from Menduo to their fans!

"Hey Everyone!
We wanted to wish you all a great Thanksgiving! We hope you all have time to see your family, relax and eat delicious food!

We have a lot to be thankful for this year - you guys have been amazing. We would be nothing without you guys! Thank you soooooo much for your love and dedication to this group.

Much thanks,


Saturday, November 22, 2008

New Carlos Bulletin & Pictures

Carlos posted two new pictures to his "My Photos" album.

He also posted a new bulletin "ITS YA BOY CARLITO!!!!!!!" Carlos we love you! Of course we'll come save the day =)

"ok yall so the song of the day is called "bad side" by t-pain listen to it!!!!!! MISS U ALL MOREE THE WORDS, IM TOO LOST WITHOUT YALL, COME SAVE THE DAY =)


Monti Bulletin & Saynow

Monti posted a bulletin about the Mother Goose parade.

"Menudo will be at the 62nd Annual Mother Goose Parade Sunday Nov.23rd in El Cajon, CA!Make sure to check out the parade website
see u there!!

Monti also left a saynow broadcast talking about the Mother Goose Parade.

Friday, November 21, 2008

NY Daily News, Fanvasion blog & Emma saynow

Want to meet Menudo and help feed the hungry?

"On Tuesday, November 25th, Menudo will appear from 3 PM to 5 PM at the Daily News Building at 460 West 33rd Street in New York City. Anyone bringing a non-perishable food or can good to donate will get to meet the group and to get autographs from the boys. Be sure and come out for this great cause and get to hang out with us."

Fanvasion posted a blog announcing all the winners for the CRAZY 4 MENUDO contest, it also includes all the winning videos. Congratulations to the winners!

"The time has finally come for all you MENUDO fans!
We're ready to announce the winners and show off they're winning videos, but first things first we want to make it clear that we went through every single video thoroughly and it was such a tough decision to narrow the winners down to five because all of your videos were so amazing and showed what truly dedicated fans MENUDO has!

The following winners submitted a 1-2 minute video on why they love MENUDO and felt they should win Fanvasion's "Crazy 4 Menudo" contest! We are aware that some of the videos are a few seconds over the limit (which we sent a note out allowing that). Some videos unfortunately were not selected because they went :30 seconds (or drastically more) over the limit... which really stinks because you guys ALL had fantastic videos.

The fans who will be receiving an autographed teddy bear, t-shirt, poster, or some other MENUDO goodies are yashira from florida, Kristy from Pennsylvania, Jasmine from New York, Giomarie from Connecticut, and Sabrina from New York"

Emma also left a saynow broadcast talking about the Mother Goose parade.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

New Menudo pictures & New Tour Date!!

Menudo posted five new pictures to their "Misc." album.

Menudo will be performing at the 62nd Annual Mother Goose Parade in San Diego County. Be sure to check out the parade's website for more information! The link is

Menudo will be doing some surprise visits to some schools while on the road this coming two weeks. One of the schools could be your school!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Pictures & Monti Bulletin

Monti posted a new bulletin "new pictures!!". Go see his picutes from his trip to my city, L.A!!!

"hey guys!

new pics!!

please comment!"
Menudo also posted a new picture to their "Menudo & Friends" album.

Monday, November 17, 2008

New Monti Picture & Chris Saynow

Monti posted a new picture to his "My Photos" album. I'm sure everyone can agree with me when I say that Monti looks gorgeous in this picture!! We love you Monti!Why is Monti so perfect? Can anyone answer that? =)

Chris also left a saynow broadcast.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fanvasion Contest

Fanvasion posted a bulletin on "Crazy 4 Menudo Contest".

"The winners are being notified now and we will announce the names of the lucky fans on Monday!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the "Crazy 4 Menudo" contest!

- Fanvasion"

Friday, November 14, 2008

Macy's Menudo Poster!

Macy's posted up this new poster of the Menudo performance that will be taking place November 28!


Get your own at Scribd or explore others:

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Menudo Dares You!

Menudo dares you to take the Go Healthy Challenge:

"The new sensation Menudo is featured in the new Alliance Public Service Announcement (PSA) asking kids to take the challenge to go healthy. Menudo filmed the PSA in Los Angeles this summer while on tour. Their current single “Lost” is heating up the airwaves making its debut on the Billboard Pop Chart in December and is also featured in this PSA! The boys mentioned the challenges of staying healthy while touring. “It’s really hard to stay fit while on the road,” said Monti, member of Menudo. “But we try to eat healthy and drink lots of water which both help us perform better.”

For more details and to watch the video go to

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Menudo Blog

Menudo posted a new blog talking about updates and Halloween "Updates from us AND new pics". Its kind of long! =)

"Halloween day was a fun crazy day. We all flew up to Massachussets for a performance with FUN 107! I was definately struck by the climate change, we all went from hot to cold, except Chris and Carlos. We all had dinner together then got back to the hotel to get ready for the show. As we step on stage, we see over a thousand people with all these different costumes, as we were also very happy to see fellow fans!! After the show we hung out with fans until the party was over. The next day we were sent home for a couple of days rest. This time coming home was a little different than other times. i was sooooo happy to see one of my friends after 2 years. She had moved out of town and had been doing things that just kill, drugs. A couple of weeks ago one of my friends tells me she was in a coma because of a drug overdose. I was so worried but had found out she was back in town, drug free. We all hang out all the time here in Texas. Just yesterday we went to the mall to help find my friend a job, because she's finally turning her life around and now wants to join my other friend into moving to New York and studying music!. My family's doing great!!. My little brothers are really enjoying their new school. I really try to spend as much time with them as I can. Moms doing good also. She's also loving her new job, she's now working as a Spanish Teacher at a local High School. And I'm glad to say all her students are MENUDO fans!! My sister's doing great also!. She recently moved to Okinawa, Japan with her husband as he is a pilot in the Marines. The second week after they had moved in, her husband was deployed over seas for a couple of months. Even though she misses him tons, she met new friends and is enjoying the environment of the island, the new foods, beaches, culture, and people. Oh and I almost forgot, my puppy Mulan is also doing good. i always have to walk her for about an hour cause if I don't she poops in the house, and picking poop is not my favorite hobby, so there ya have it. I honestly can't wait for us to get back on the road. I miss the guys tons! and our management! Monti Montanez"Menudo"
Hey everybody! So, we're at home on another short break. But hey, I'm not complaining. I'm enjoying my time with my family. :) Well, while at home, I've been catching up with school, rearranging my room, writing back to you all, and also procrastinating. Haha! So, Halloween was quite interesting. It definitely wasn't something I expected. As you may know, we had a show that day in New Bedford, MA. It was soooo... unique. Haha! I was so excited to have my first "club experience." Unfortunately, it was *NOT a club. It was sort of a big par-tay in a Banquet Hall that was *18+. Well we had a good performance with lots of energy. And not only was the par-tay scene unique, but our performance was also. Some girls decided it was a fun idea to get up on stage in the middle of "Forbidden Love." We didn't mind; Only because it was at the very end of the performance and they didn't really interfere with our sweet dance moves. Haha! :P Most of you think that I *didn't dress up as Iron Moy on Halloween, but I actually did. I wore a shirt and I had these awesome wristbands. It wasn't anything too flashy but it was my own, different costume. :) After the performance, we came back for a little party time. Personally, I wasn't in a party type of mood, I just wanted to sleep. Lol. Well, we stayed for a bit; Maybe 30 minutes. So we just chilled a little and enjoyed the music. It was a night I'll never forget. I really do wish I could've gone trick-or-treating though. :/ Now, I'm at home planning to re-paint my room a lighter color; Maybe white. You guys should comment our page with some suggestions. :) Anyway, we'll be back to work soooooooon. If you ever miss us too much, just visit our myspace page. We have lots of updates and fun cosas for ya'll! :P Hope all is well! Much Love,Chrissssssssssssssssss
P.S. You know what really grinds my gears?... Haha!

Hello everybodyyy!!!!!!!! The last show we did was on Halloween, we were in massachusets and it was for Fun 107!!! We had a blast at that halloween party!!!!! I was gonna dress up as a Jedi, but I didn't have the costume so I went as myself!!! After that I went home and I bought a new Star Wars game, and I love it!!!!! I beat the game already but the fact that you play as a Jedi!!! That's cool!!!!!! I've been exercising too and eating healthy…gotta keep it up!!! But, my favorite part is the eating!!!!!!! Haha. I visited my grandma, she's is super cool!!! She dances!!!!! I've also been writing songs and making beats in my house!!!! But I can't wait to get back on the road to see everybody!!!!!!! Thanks for checkin in and seeing what we've been up to…more to come!!!!! Byee!!!!! Emma

hey ya'll its ya boy carlito, well first let me say that halloween was real fun, there was soooooooooo man ppl an they were all dressed up! The performance was good, and after we went back to the hotel to change into our costumes, of course I'm sure many of you knew I was gonna be superman lol. Well since I have been home I have been hanging with my friends and family alot, taking advantage since we are always working, but im having fun. I also have been helping my dad out with his job when ever he needs an extra hand (construction) which was the job i used to have b4 menudo lol. but on my break im having fun but still miss u all!!!!!! muah!!!!!! Carlito

Heyyy ya'lll!!! So I just wanted to let you guys know how the Halloween show went, we know some of ya'll weren't over 18 so ya'll couldn't get in...there for, let's describe the show so you guys can feel like ya'll were actually there! It was fun performing to a crowd dressed all crazy, scary and kinda sexy...or some of em' LOL! I've never sang to frankestein's bride or to a sexy bunny! Haha! After the show we stayed at the party so we could say hi to the fans, take pics, dance and just have fun!! It was awesome like all of our shows! After that we went home! I know Emma went to Miami for vacation, the rest of us went home. I just stayed over at one of my friends house with like5 other people. Right now I'm at the movies with my friends waiting for the movie to start, we are watching The Women! Oh, almost forgot, we are doing the Jingle Ball in LA on December 6!! Ya'll can't miss that! Sooo we'll see ya'll there! Love you guys!!! - Jose B"

New Monti Saynow!

Our amazing Monti left a saynow broadcast telling everyone that he is Los Angeles right now with Trevor and Eric! I have to go look for Monti now! How about we all ask Monti where in L.A hes staying at so we can go see him?? =)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Macy's Boston Tree Lighting confirmed that Menudo will be at the Macy's Boston Tree Lighting on November 28.

"10-Nov-08Macy's is set for Downtown Crossing tree lighting

By Chris Reidy, The Boston Globe

The department-store chain Macy's said today that it will officially launch its Boston holiday season with a tree lighting in Downtown Crossing on Friday, Nov. 28

Plans call for a 50-foot Christmas tree atop the marquee ledge at Macy's Downtown Crossing store to be lit up between 5 and 6 p.m. on the day after Thanksgiving.

The evening's festivities will include free outdoor performances by the pop group Menudo; a mini-performance by cast members from North Shore Music Theatre's "Disney High School Musical 2;" a Boston Ballet performance of an excerpt from "The Nutcracker", music from the Boston Children's Chorus; and an appearance by Santa Claus, Macy's said."

Friday, November 7, 2008

Carlos Saynow & Jingle Ball tickets

Carlos left a saynow message today.

I'm part of the Kiis Club VIP and the presale was today. Front row and middle tickets have been sold out!! The only seats left are at the top or you can call Kiis FM to win tickets. If you are planning to go, buy your tickets early tomorrow!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Monti on Kyte!

Look at this video of our amazing Monti on kyte. He introduces his best friends and talks about the jingle ball. I am going to the Jingle Ball to represent and Monti Fans Team and of course to support Monti!!! If you're going, I'll see you there!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monti Saynow!

Our Monti left a saynow broadcast telling everyone to go vote. If you have the age please go vote! Let your voice be heard to make America a better country!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Monti Bulletin!!

Our amazing Monti left a bulletin about the Kiis Fm Jingle Ball!

"Today the L.A Times revealed that Menudo will be performing at the KISS FM Jingle Ball.
Performers include The Pussycat Dolls, Katy Perry, Chris Brown, Jesse McCartney, Tokio Hotel, David Banner, Estelle and MENUDO!!!!!


Tickets will go on sale Friday through the radio station’s Club VIP pre-sale, and if it doesn’t sell out, remaining tickets will go on sale Saturday through Ticketmaster." - LA Times
Dec. 6 at the Honda Center in Anaheim.

http://latimesblogs. latimes. com/music_blog/2008/11/kiis-fm-jingle. html
see yall there!!"

L.A Times & Menudo bulletin

The L.A. Times posted a new article "KIIS-FM Jingle Ball lineup topped by Pussycat Dolls, Katy Perry", telling us the performers for this year's Jingle Ball concert hosted by KIIS FM. Credit: Ana

"What happens when the girl who kissed a girl gets to shares a stage with the Pussycat Dolls?

You can find out at this year’s KIIS-FM Jingle Ball, which will take place Dec. 6 at the Honda Center in Anaheim. In addition to the Dolls and Katy Perry, the lineup for the annual holiday popfest also includes Chris Brown, Jesse McCartney, Tokio Hotel, David Banner, Estelle and Menudo.

Tickets will go on sale Friday through the radio station’s Club VIP pre-sale, and if it doesn’t sell out, remaining tickets will go on sale Saturday through Ticketmaster." - LA Times

The guys posted a bulletin about the concert "Menudo and KIIS-FM Jingle Ball"

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Monti, Fanvasion & Chris Bulletin!

Our boy Monti posted a new bulletin "FAN VIDEO!!..RAP". VJ nice job with the rapping! i loved it! Here is the link to watch the video:

"watch this everyone!!!.. cool rap made by a cool fan!!!
[Monti Rap]"

Fanvasion also posted a new bulletin on Menudo answering fan questions.

"Hey Everyone!

We hope you all had a delightfully frightful Halloween! As a little late TREAT for all of you, we've just posted a new MENUDO interview!!

Check out Monti, Chris, Carlos, Jose, and Emma's answers to YOUR questions! The guys talk about pushing the album release date back, their favorite sports, celebrity crushes, the pranksters of the group, their fears, and Halloween costume memories! It would've been up yesterday, but you can blame YouTube and their technical difficulties! :P

MENUDO talks about their past Halloween costumes... WE want you know what YOU went as on Friday night! Leave us some feedback in the YouTube comments.

As for the "Crazy 4 MENUDO" contest -- we'll be posting the winners soon. :o)

[Menudo Answers Your Questions Video Part 1]
[Menudo Answers Your Questions Video Part 2]

Visit our Fanvasion YouTube Channel ( for more Menudo as well as more of your other favorites!

Courtney & Chanelle"

Chris posted a new bulletin.

"...When people pronounce "Reese's" like this: [Ree-Sees].
The proper pronounciation is: [Ree-sis] I know this because I'm assuming that the creator of Reese's was either named Reese or their last name was Reese. America, the brand Reese's has an apostrophe in it ( ' ). Meaning that it belongs to Reese. Ex. If I created the chocolatey, peanutbutter treat, it would be called either Chris's or Moy's.
Please take this into consideration next time you use the word "Reese's" [Ree-sis].


Much Love,

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