Thursday, October 2, 2008

Trevor on Tour & Official JG Fanz

"Getting Trevor & BTW on the Bandemonium 2 Tour"
Target:Johnny Wright & Bandemonium 2 Tour
Sponsored by:Katya, Tanya, Priscilla, & Ivette
"We all remember Trevor Brown from "Making Menudo", everyone wanted him in the band, unfortunately he didn't make the cut, but he does have a band of his own, BTW. You can support him and his band by signing this petition! We want BTW to join the Bandemonium 2 Tour. I think everyone would love it!"
Go sign it now and support the very talented Trevor!!!

Wonder what happened to JG?? Go check his Official Fansite made by JG's #1 Fan and my BMB Bertha Alicia!!! Support her site and support JG!!!!


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