Monday, October 13, 2008

New Monti Bulletins & New Pics

On Sunday, Monti posted 2 new bulletins. "Menudo Fans," and "MTV Asia!!!" Talking about how lost is playing in Europe and "Perdido Sin Ti" is on MTV Asia. Congratulations Menudo! We're proud of you!

"hey guys!!

the guys and I miss all of you and can't wait to see all of you soon!.
first of all thanks for voting for our video "Lost" and "Perdido Sin Ti" on mtvtr3s. com for MTV Tr3s.
And again, "Lost" was played in Europe which is AwEsOmE!!
I want to give a special thanks to those fans in Europe, because we havent met them yet and they are supporting us 100 percent.
Also, "Perdido Sin Ti" is on the Latin Billboard, thats super cool! thank you guys for requesting it here on the states, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Europe.
Dont forget that the Back To School Menudo Contest is still on the run, lets keep this going so we can finally visit one of your schools.
so Im going to continue cheking my messages and comments.
Love you guys!!! Good night!


"so i just found out our music video "Lost" was played on MTV Asia!.
thats awesome!
thank you guys so much for the support!
can't wait to meet all of you in Asia!

besos y abrazos

Today the amazing Monti posted a new bulletin, "new pics!! :)" and added new pictures to the Menudo album.

"good morning!!

new pics !!

please comment!!!




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