Monday, October 6, 2008

Monti Bulletin

Our amazing and gorgeous Monti sent out a bulletin two days ago. Sarah from Menudocrazy wants to tell everyone that menudocrazy did not make the Back to School contest poster haha i love Monti!

"Hey guys! There's a new contest.The Back to School Contest where YOU can bring us, "Menudo" to YOUR school and also win instruments from Gibson!!

To enter click HERE to see the rules, this page in the menudo. com website will guide you step by step.

Once you've signed up, make copies of a cool poster made my menudocrazy (by the way thanks thanks thanks :) ) and pass it out in your school!

Click Here the Poster!!
Lets get started!!!! See you soon!!

much love,
Monti Montanez(Menudo)"


blog template by : background image by Patrick Hennessey