Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Monti Bulletin & Blog!!

The amazing talented Monti posted a bulletin today "Menudo Halloween Performance" He talks about the performancs that will be going on tomorrow.

"For all of you in the Westport, Massachusetts area, Menudo is performing with WFHN Fun 107 st the Monster Mash '08 this Friday Halloween night!! you have to be 18 or over to enter.
See you there!!!!!

Sponsored by Coors Light, Fall River Ford, Monster Mini-Golf, and The Salter School

The Whites of Westport - 10-31-2008 10:30pm at WFHN Fun 107’s Monster Mash ’08
66 State Rd, Westport, Massachusetts 02790"

Monti also posted a blog on "The Whaleman Foundation" which is an organization that raises up money to help dolphins. Please help and support!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dezi is off for a while

Hey my Menudo loves its Dezi here!!! Im not gonna be using the computer much until the weekend cause of a few personal family issues that are going on right now. But my cousin Catalina will be taking over everything for me right now except for Monti Fans because she knows that this site means alot to me and Mariana. (Plus she is a Carlos fan). So I will be involved with the site, just not my other things. So just send Cata a message, and she'll give it to me. Also, leave me a SayNow message if u just want me to hear it.

Contest Reminder!!!!!

Guys remember...the Fan of the Week contest ends TOMORROW!!! Dont forget to submit your drawings to remember monti WILL see your drawing.And he will see you cuz he DOES check out our site!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Monti Update

Our talented Monti added two new pictures to his "Things that fans made" album.

Also help us spread the word about Monti Fans Team! Use the graphics below to help spread the word. Let us know if you use them. thanks!
Create your own banner at!
Copy this code to your website to display this banner!

Create your own banner at!
Copy this code to your website to display this banner!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Escandalo TV & New saynow messages!

Menudo will be appearing today on Escandalo TV so check your local listings to watch our boys perform!

Menudo also sent out a new saynow broadcast telling everyone to subscribe to Johnny Wright's saynow number and to leave him a message.

Johnny Wright also sent out a saynow broadcast with Menudo! They talked about posting new tour dates soon and they gave out birthday shoutouts.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

El Gordo y La Flaca video

I know there was alot of you that missed Menudo on El Gordo y La Flaca yesterday so i found a video where you could watch it! Thanks so much to Lupita from Los Angeles for giving us the link! here is the link 2 watch it

Menudo on Despierta America

Menudo was on Despierta America this morning. For all of us sooo unfortunate that had to miss it because of school...dont worry..Monti Fans has the vid of Menudo on Despierta America. Menudo was on a segment called "El Mago reaparecio a Menudo"

If anyone has the vid of Menudo on Escandalo TV, please send us the link so we can post it!!! We will give you credit.Thanks!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

El Gordo y La Flaca & Monti Fan of the week Contest!

Menudo was on El Gordo y La Flaca today on Univision. They metioned that in 2 weeks they will be going to Puerto Rico and later on they will be going to Mexico because right they are focusing on the Latin Market. Since they want to focus on the Latin community, please help them out by signing the "Bring Menudo to Sabado Gigante" petition. Thanks!

Monti Fans has a new contest for Monti Fan of the week! Our contest for this week is the Best Monti Drawing. If you like to draw, draw Monti for us and we might pick you as Monti Fan of the week! Send all your drawings to the contest will end October 30! Keep in mind that we will send the winning drawing to Monti and we promise that he will see it!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Menudo Contest

Menudo is having another contest on Menudo fans will have a chance to win a signed Menudo prize pack and tickets to see a MENUDO PERFORMANCE IN NEW YORK!!! You can sign up here

Friday, October 17, 2008

New Petitions!

I added new petitions to our Menudo Petitions section. Such as Extend Menudo's age limit, Bring Menudo to Sabado Gigante and Bring Menudo to Universal Studios. Please go and sign these petitions! Let's help out our boys! so tell all your friends and family to sign them too. Thanks!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Menudo Myspace Chat & New Monti Saynow!

Menudo posted a bulletin on about a "Videooooo Chat on Monday!! " The chat will take place on their myspace page at 8PM (Eastern Time) on Monday, October 20th. If you want to go chat go to

we had a nice little break after our promo tour but we're back and we missed you guys so we're doin a video chat on monday oct 20th @ 8pm eastern time JUST FOR YOU!!!!!!!!

its chat room will be right here on our myspace page and people can start loggin in around 7pm.

tell all your friends and if you have any questions for us to answer leave them for us at 305-851-6454!"

Our amazing wonderful Monti sent out a saynow broadcast today talking about the Myspace video chat.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New poll!

Our poll has been closed now, thanks to everyone who voted! and the winner of "What is your favorite Menudo song?" was Forbidden Love!! thats one of my personal favorites and i guess im not the only one who loves it! Second place was Echo and third was Save the day. For our new poll "Who gives the best hugs?" vote and tell us who you think gives the best teddy bear hugs! =)

Dont forget to call your local radio stations to request "Lost" and promote Menudo's new album! Help us promote Monti Fans! Dezi added a new graphic where you help support us(By the way, the graphic Dezi made is amazing!). Thanks!

New Pics

Our wonderful Monti posted new pics on his MySpace in the "Mi TRL" album!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New Monti Pictures & Newsletter

Our amazing gorgeous Monti added new pictures to his "Annual T-Ball Game 2008" album.

Menudo sent out a new newsletter to everyone. The "Bring Menudo To Your School" contest will end until December 1st. There will also be a new contest on October 31st.

"Another surprise we couldn't wait to share with you - we have a new Menudo contest in store with you starting October 31st! The Menudo Halloween contest is going to be great, so make sure to check the Menudo website for the details to come. You won't want to miss this one!"

They also said that they are in the process of adding new merchandise like temporary tattoos to their website. So keep checking for more details!

Monday, October 13, 2008

New Monti Bulletins & New Pics

On Sunday, Monti posted 2 new bulletins. "Menudo Fans," and "MTV Asia!!!" Talking about how lost is playing in Europe and "Perdido Sin Ti" is on MTV Asia. Congratulations Menudo! We're proud of you!

"hey guys!!

the guys and I miss all of you and can't wait to see all of you soon!.
first of all thanks for voting for our video "Lost" and "Perdido Sin Ti" on mtvtr3s. com for MTV Tr3s.
And again, "Lost" was played in Europe which is AwEsOmE!!
I want to give a special thanks to those fans in Europe, because we havent met them yet and they are supporting us 100 percent.
Also, "Perdido Sin Ti" is on the Latin Billboard, thats super cool! thank you guys for requesting it here on the states, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Europe.
Dont forget that the Back To School Menudo Contest is still on the run, lets keep this going so we can finally visit one of your schools.
so Im going to continue cheking my messages and comments.
Love you guys!!! Good night!


"so i just found out our music video "Lost" was played on MTV Asia!.
thats awesome!
thank you guys so much for the support!
can't wait to meet all of you in Asia!

besos y abrazos

Today the amazing Monti posted a new bulletin, "new pics!! :)" and added new pictures to the Menudo album.

"good morning!!

new pics !!

please comment!!!



Friday, October 10, 2008

New Monti Bulletein

The AMAZING Monti just posted a new bulletien called "Hey !!!"

hey guys,

I just want to thank everyone for the support, for all the fan pages which mean the world to us, and for all the nice comments and messages.
All of you are awesome!! We'll see you soon!!! :)

much love always


Thursday, October 9, 2008

People en Español & Monti Fans Saynow!

Menudo was on page 38 of the November Issue of People en Español with Susan Castillo at Arthur Ashe Kids Day.

Monti Fans has a new saynow! if you go on vacation or your computer breaks down or for some reason you cant get online, dont worry! Subcribe to the Monti Fans saynow and we will keep you updated on what's happening in the Menudo world! We havent sent any broadcasts yet but we will soon once we get everything figured out. So Just text montifans to the number 729669 or visit us at to subscribe.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

New Monti saynow message!

The gorgeous Monti left a new SayNow broadcast talking about the Back to School Myspace Contest (if you want a flyer go to the Menudo myspace and download it there), they were in the studio a couple of days ago recording new songs, how they're working very hard on the album to make it the best for us and it will come out at the end of this year, and how "Lost" is being played in Germany and all over Europe! So keep requesting "Lost" on your local radio station. Congratulaions guys!

New Monti pictures & Blog!

Our amazing and talented Monti posted 28 new pictures to his Menudo album on the Arthur Ashe Kids Day.
Monti also posted a new blog "Menudo - Arthur Ashe Kids Day Coverage" he gave us a link to watch the video on Youtube!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Menudo Bulletin & New Contest

Menudo posted a new bulletin "We kissed Katy Perry and we liked it!".

"Check out our new default picture

The amazing Monti also added pictures to his Myspace. is hosting a contest where one lucky winner will be chosen to win $250 and an autographed single from Menudo. To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment for the guys here and they will hand pick the winner.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Monti Bulletin

Our amazing and gorgeous Monti sent out a bulletin two days ago. Sarah from Menudocrazy wants to tell everyone that menudocrazy did not make the Back to School contest poster haha i love Monti!

"Hey guys! There's a new contest.The Back to School Contest where YOU can bring us, "Menudo" to YOUR school and also win instruments from Gibson!!

To enter click HERE to see the rules, this page in the menudo. com website will guide you step by step.

Once you've signed up, make copies of a cool poster made my menudocrazy (by the way thanks thanks thanks :) ) and pass it out in your school!

Click Here the Poster!!
Lets get started!!!! See you soon!!

much love,
Monti Montanez(Menudo)"

Friday, October 3, 2008

New Menudo Video

Dayami69 posted a new video of the guys at Riverfront, New York. Monti Fans always has you Menudo fans updated so if you cant find the video on youtube, you can watch the video by clicking on this link:

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Trevor on Tour & Official JG Fanz

"Getting Trevor & BTW on the Bandemonium 2 Tour"
Target:Johnny Wright & Bandemonium 2 Tour
Sponsored by:Katya, Tanya, Priscilla, & Ivette
"We all remember Trevor Brown from "Making Menudo", everyone wanted him in the band, unfortunately he didn't make the cut, but he does have a band of his own, BTW. You can support him and his band by signing this petition! We want BTW to join the Bandemonium 2 Tour. I think everyone would love it!"
Go sign it now and support the very talented Trevor!!!

Wonder what happened to JG?? Go check his Official Fansite made by JG's #1 Fan and my BMB Bertha Alicia!!! Support her site and support JG!!!!

New Tour Dates =)

" Menudo will be posting a new schedule for October, Nov. & Dec. very shortly. With visits to New York, Miami, Puerto Rico, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, and numerous other holiday stops. Here are just a few that they have already posted:

--In October Menudo will be doing a nine day promotional tour in Puerto Rico
--Then we will be back in Orlando working on some new tunes with Wyclef Jean.
--Halloween Show in New England
--November 21sr: Mi TRL award show on MTV Tres
--November 24th: Christmas Tree Lighting at Macys in Boston
--November 25th: Toys for Tots concert benefit at Fanuel Hall in Boston
--Thanksgiving Day Parade
--December 5th: Christina Christmas Special on Univision"

New Look

If you have noticed, Monti Fans has a new look!!! Thanks to Priscilla for making the banner for us!! Luv ya girl!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New Saynow Message

Chris left a saynow broadcast telling fans all about the Back to School Contest && also that the guys are on another mini-break!!!

Official Menudo Myspace Contest has finally posted the details and rules for the Back to School with Menudo Contest. Go sign up your School to get Menudo to go perform at your school! The contest ends Oct. 31 and the winners will be announced Nov. 15. If you dont want to sign your school up, sign mine! It is Artesia High School. Thanks:) The link is: and the details are:

"The OFFICIAL Menudo MySpace contest.
So, you want to enter the Menudo Myspace contest and have Menudo perform at your school?
It's simple, here's what you have to do:
1. Sign up on the contest form with your email address, myspace id and school name.2. Become a friend of Menudo, by clicking on this button (you need to log in to MySpace):
3. Post a comment on the Menudo MySpace page and give a shout out to your school!
That's all it takes to enter, but remember: Only the school with the most votes can win a visit from Menudo, so tell your friends at school to sign up too!"

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