Sunday, June 28, 2009

New Menudo ! (:

We know you have all been waiting for this moment so we are happy to tell you all that the new Menudo has been revealed ! We want you all to watch the video of their performance last wednesday June 24, 2009. Monti was the celebrity judge for the competition and Menudo performs toward the end of the video for the build-a-bear "Let's Talk About Love" contest. Please leave us comments and tell us what you think of the new members !


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy Monti is still there!!!!

Thank you for posting this!!
I'm soo happy.

Marilyn said...

yayy monti!!! woo whoo!! i'm so happy for him ... i wish emma and carlos were still in it though =(

Anonymous said...

I'm extremely happy Monti is still in.
But, I can't picture anyone else in Menudo other than Monti, Chris, Carlos, Emma, and Josè...

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