Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Menudo's New Bulletin !

Menudo posted a new bulletin giving us a clue on maybe an important performance coming soon for them. Make sure to also add them again since we know they deleted & re-added their profile ! As supporters of Monti, We encourage you to join www.montitruefans4life.com which is made by one of our friends to support Monti ! Thanks(:

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th Of July !

We hope that you all have a Happy 4th Of July with your friends & family ! Remember to Stay safe and have lots of fun !(:
-Mariana & Lupita

Monday, June 29, 2009

CNN Español

If any of you were watching CNN Español sunday or earlier today, you might have seen Monti and JC ! We all know now that both of them are in the new Menudo and are working hard here in Los Angeles. Monti and JC were asked what their reaction was to Michael Jackson's death. Thanks to Steffy for the picture ! If anyone recorded this or knows someone that did, send us the video so we can post it !
We also know many have been asking if Menudo will only consist of three members. As far as we know, auditions for the two remaining spots will be next month and anyone can go watch them ! We will keep you informed on the latest news !(:

Sunday, June 28, 2009

New Menudo ! (:

We know you have all been waiting for this moment so we are happy to tell you all that the new Menudo has been revealed ! We want you all to watch the video of their performance last wednesday June 24, 2009. Monti was the celebrity judge for the competition and Menudo performs toward the end of the video for the build-a-bear "Let's Talk About Love" contest. Please leave us comments and tell us what you think of the new members !


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Music Video For "My Dreams"

The Children's Miracle Network has posted a music video for the song My Dreams by Monti Montanez. Monti is not in the video but it shows us a day in life in the hospital.

"Music video of a day in a Children's Hospital. Music by Monti Montanez was written specifically for Children's Miracle Network. Monti is 19 years old and the senior member of Menudo."

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sorry For The Lack of Updates!

Sorry we haven't been updating lately! We were busy with school and some other personal things. As you know we have had finals and other school activities. Now we will be able to update more often because it is now summer for us. Thank you for understanding and for all of your support. We have always been supporting Monti. We are excited for the new projects he has been doing! His EP came out earlier than we all thought it would be! Go buy it now on Itunes (:
-Mariana & Lupita.

Friday, April 17, 2009

New Monti Bulletins!

Monti posted two new bulletins about "Just Jared and Cause Creative" and "the link"

"hey guys!!!
Cause Creative just put a new blog!!! oh and Im in it.. haha
hope you guys like the new picture with Just Jared!!!love u guys and please please comment!!!much love, and stock me on
Monti :)"

"the Cause Creaetive link is
new song coming soon for the DIG IT! campaign with FCCLA

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